March 22, 2016

One of the big reasons behind car accidents is that drivers often fail to do as they are instructed by the traffic safety devices that are in place. This includes stop signs, red lights, flashing lights, and much more. One device that seems to create a lot of confusion and different types of mistakes is the yield sign.

A yield sign is intended to get a driver to slow down, look for other traffic, and then allow that perpendicular traffic to pass if necessarily. If there is no traffic, the driver does not have to come to a full stop, but he or she should still slow down and look both ways before driving into the street. These signs are often used in low-traffic areas were a stop-sign is deemed to be overkill, but where drivers do need to be alert regarding an intersection.

The issue is that drivers will make mistakes that run from being overly cautious to completely ignoring the sign.

Some drivers just come to a complete stop, as if they are going through a stop sign. This is incorrect, and it congests traffic. It could even lead to rear-end accidents.

Other drivers, however, hardly slow down and just sail through the sign, knowing they don’t legally have to stop if the way is clear. However, this can be even more dangerous if they don’t see opposing traffic that has the right of way. After all, they do legally have to stop when other cars are moving through the intersection.

When drivers either don’t know how to use yield signs or refuse to use them properly, those who are injured in the resulting accidents may be able to seek compensation in Pennsylvania.

Source: The Safe Driver, “The Safe Driver,” accessed March 22, 2016