If you are looking for an Allentown Criminal Defense attorney, you need someone who can match the city’s reputation for toughness. Billy Joel’s popular hit, “Allentown” captures this spirit of toughness, when he sings:
Well I’m living here in Allentown
and it’s hard to keep a good man down
but I won’t be giving up today
Tom Blackburn, of Drake, Hileman, and Davis, has the experience, knowledge, and toughness to match this great reputation. For more than twenty-six years, Tom has been working in the area of criminal law in this region, both as a prosecutor and as a defense attorney. He is capable and qualified to stand up in court and try your case, if necessary, to secure a result that protects your best interest.
Unfortunately, in this day and age, it does not take much effort to become entangled in the web of the criminal justice system. Whether it be a poor decision, a developing addiction, or a son or daughter who simply followed the crowd; in a matter of minutes or even seconds, anyone can find themselves in need of criminal defense counsel.
Attorney Tom Blackburn’s experience and knowledge will guide your decision process in the early phases of the case so that you can either prepare to defend yourself in court on the merits, or you can prepare to place yourself in the best position in the eyes of the Court. The decisions that you make early in the care are critical. Do you exercise your right to remain silent? To what extent is it in your best interest to cooperate with the police. Is there a way to take an offensive strategy when you have wrongfully accused? In all of these situations, you need experienced counsel to navigate these tough issues.
It is no surprise that the most frequently prosecuted crime is Driving Under the Influence. This mistake can have disastrous effects not only on potential injury victims, but also on your wallet, your ability to drive, your employability, and your relationships. Frequently, depending upon your prior criminal history, you may be able to avoid many of the harsh penalties ascribed to this charge. ARD (Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition) is an opportunity that may be available to you, Which would not only limit penalties applicable to DUI, but you \may also be able to avoid a conviction and also have your record expunged in the future, provided that you successfully complete the program.
Pennsylvania Law has recently changed to expand the opportunities to have your criminal record expunged. To a limited extent, these expungements can apply to significant offenses such as felonies, but to a greater extent, they apply to lesser offenses such as misdemeanors and summaries. These records can have a debilitating effect on your ability to get a good job or get into school. By reviewing your history and filing a petition with the court, we may be able to erase portions, if not all, of your criminal history. In addition to this, other crimes, after a substantial waiting period, can be sealed, so those future employers will not be able to access your history.
Contact an Allentown Criminal Defense Attorney Today
Should circumstances arise that cause you to need the services of an Allentown criminal defense attorney, please contact us online, or call 610-433-3910, and ask to speak with Tom Blackburn at Drake, Hileman, and Davis. We can then schedule a meeting to discuss and prepare a strategy that will best protect your rights.